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Posted: February 2nd 2023


Many Canadians find themselves drafted into second jobs as unpaid caregivers for injured family. When family comes first, we push ourselves to be there for our injured partners, children, parents and siblings. But the fight to take care of everyone and everything has limits. Burnout happens as physical and emotional stress takes its toll. Supportive friends and our healthcare partners can let family caregivers know they are never alone.

Resources are available to support our caregivers including:

  • Dedicated Groups like Ontario Caregiver Organization and Wounded Warriors Canada offer a helping hand. Their websites and online resources provide practical strategies to ease that stress;

  • Family Doctors have links to local services that can support you in your own community. Talk to your doctor and reach out for help. Your family doctor and healthcare team understand that mental and emotional health are critical to your physical well being. Human beings are whole beings. Medical care is holistic and embraces mental health; and

  • Your Community Injury Lawyer supporting your family with that injury claim knows you are giving your all. Pick up the phone and let the lawyer know you are struggling. Experienced injury lawyers know that serious injuries are lifetime injuries and family caregivers will continue to struggle for decades. In addition to your Family Law Act companion claim in the main action, you may be encouraged to reach out for appropriate professional support including to your family doctor and a local community therapist.

You are never alone.

A caregiver's needs should never take backseat to anyone else's needs. Once strength is found in support, the benefits to all including your injured loved one are real.

Caring for caregivers is in everyone's best interest.

Caregivers must be allowed to ask for and receive critical support.

If you or your family have been seriously injured in a car crash or fall, call your experienced community injury lawyer and find out where you stand.

First Aid For Caregivers