COVID19 has brought out the very best and, sadly, the very worst in Canadians. When the majority of Canadians followed directions to stay at home and stay safe, they parked their cars in the garage or driveway. Our highways and roads grew quiet as only essential workers commuted to and from work. And Canadians only took to the road to buy necessities like groceries. But a few drivers thought the open road meant a licence to speed. They were wrong.
Speed kills. This was true before the pandemic. It is just as true now. And our highways and streets are not empty. Nurses, health care workers, PSWs and other critical health care workers have to drive at all hours to get to the hospitals, clinics and long term care homes to take care of us, and the vulnerable amongst us, on the front lines. Truckers, grocery store clerks and shelf stockers are on those roads. Driving to your grocery store to work so you can eat. Food delivery workers are carrying your take out to your door so you don't have to take the risks they take on your behalf. And police officers and emergency services are also on those highways doing their job to keep us safe 24/7.
Car crashes are still happening. The innocent injured are our critical care and essential workers who need to be on our roads. We couldn't afford to lose them before the pandemic. We certainly can't risk losing their essential work and contributions now.
There is never a safe time to speed. Our highways and roads are never truly empty. They are never anyone's personal race track. Speeding, dangerous driving, and stunt driving, endanger the lives of not only the selfish and entitled yahoos behind the wheel, but the innocent drivers and pedestrians they meet. Speeding, and the crash injuries that result, also piles onto our emergency services, nurses and health care workers at a critical time. Their work, and lives, are difficult enough. Thoughtless acts of speed make their jobs overwhelming.
If you are a critical care worker, or other essential worker, and have been seriously injured in a car crash, call an experienced injury lawyer who actually understands just what that crash means to your life, your work and your community.
Find out where you stand.
Drive Responsibly
No Pandemic Pass