Ready to Spring Forward this Sunday?
Know when those phones and clocks move ahead an hour, we lose more than an hour of sleep.
We lose road safety as drivers beside us fight to stay awake and alert.
All are at risk of car crashes for at least a full week after the time change.
What's The Deal?
Drowsy Driving is a big issue. Sleep is needed to drive safely.
Distracted Driving is a leading cause of injury and death on our roads. It's too easy to forget that driving is the only job when we don't get our sleep.
Heart Attacks and Strokes are more likely. Sleep loss can trigger underlying or pre-existing health conditions. No one needs to deal with a critical health emergency behind the wheel. No one needs to meet a stricken driver on the road.
What to Do?
A few basic steps can be taken to help our bodies cope with Daylight Saving Time.
Bed time and waking can be gradually moved up at least three days before that time change.
Sleep can get the priority it deserves by reducing the use of tv and phone before bed.
Smart drivers may also reduce non essential driving the week after the time change.
However some drivers have no choice but to be on the roads.
Awareness always helps but there is no guarantee. When we spring forward, we risk a serious car crash.
If you have been hurt in a car crash, and you think the at fault driver was driving drowsy, let the investigating police officer know. If there was no officer at the scene, then ensure this information is on your report at the Accident Reporting Centre.
Call your experienced community injury lawyer.
Martin Law knows that a car crash is never just an accident.
Clocks Forward Safety Back
One Step Forward Two Steps Back