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Posted: November 2nd 2021


All drivers lose more than a week of road safety when our phones and clocks fall back one hour this weekend.

Drowsy driver is a year round threat. But when time change messes with regular sleep patterns, every driver on the road struggles to stay awake and stay focused on road safety.

And every driver is at risk of a devastating car crash for more than one full week after the time change.

What's So Wrong With Falling Back?

Falling Asleep behind the wheel happens when drivers don't get the sleep they need. Drowsy driving is the worst offender. Otherwise good drivers become tired drivers when sleep cycles are disrupted by the clock. Every driver needs dependable sleep patterns to stay focused and alert.

Distracted Driving increases the threat. Drowsy brains make it dangerously easy to automatically take that call or send that text without thinking about the risk. Sleepy drivers forget their one and only job behind the wheel is to just drive.

Heart Attack and Stroke behind the wheel increase. Some drivers are at greater risk of health emergencies right after the time change. Messed up sleep patterns may trigger underlying health conditions. And no one ever wants to meet that stricken driver who has lost control.

What Can We Do?

Drivers in the know may choose to reduce non essential travel during this week.

But essential workers may have little choice but to commute to work to serve and protect our communities. When our first responders, truckers, grocery store workers and health care workers continue to risk their safety to help us through the pandemic, it is our responsibility to know when we are just too tired to drive in safety.

If you have been hurt in a car crash, and you believe the at fault driver was driving drowsy or distracted, let the investigating police officer know. If there was no officer at the scene, then make sure this information is on your report at the Accident Reporting Centre.

Then call your experienced community injury lawyer.

Martin Law knows that a car crash is never just an accident.

Drowsy Driving Danger